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21 Jump Street (1987)


The series focuses on a group of police officers headquartered at the titular address. These officers are all young and have especially youthful appearances, which allows them to pass for teenagers. Their assignments generally consist of undercover work in high schools or, less commonly, colleges, where they generally investigate drug trafficking and abuse. The show's plots cover issues such as alcoholism, hate crimes, drug abuse, homophobia, AIDS, child abuse, and sexual promiscuity.

Season 1 (add $9.99)
Season 2 (add $8.99)
Season 3 (add $12.95)
Season 4 (add $18.99)
Season 5 (add $9.99)
Include DVD Cases
Season 1 Case (add $5)
Season 2 Case (add $5)
Season 3 Case (add $5)
Season 4 Case (add $5)
Season 5 Case (add $5)

Season 1, 3 and 4 are CLONED DVDs

Season 1, 3, and 4 use DL-DVDs. Make sure your player is able to play that type of disc before making a purchase.

  • Season 1 (2 Disc)
  • Season 2 (3 Disc)
  • Season 3 (6 Disc)
  • Season 4 (6 Disc)
  • Season 5 (3 Disc)
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