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Days of Our Lives (1965 - 1983)


This is a collection of various groups of episodes between the years 1965 - 1983. The quality of the episodes vary, some being very great while others are okay but watchable. Buyers may select the disc they want to buy by checking the check boxes next to the listed disc. *DVD cases do not include the discs with it for customized orders. You must select the disc individually if you customize your order, to include it with your purchase.

Order Options
COMPLETE COLLECTION (Including DVD Covers) (add $43)
Customize Order
1965: Episodes 1-8, 12, & 34 (Christmas Episode) (add $3)
1966: 15 Misc Episodes from Jan - March + Thanksgiving Special (3 Disc) (add $9)
1976: Doug & Julie's Wedding (add $3)
1979: Episode 3377 (add $3)
1983: Mid Nov to the end of the year (5 Disc) (add $15)
Add on DVD Cases
Cases for Collection (add $10)


Quality varies due to original recordings from the 60s, 70s and 80s.

Quality is very low grade but, is considered watchable for die hard fans who just want the collection.

Disc 1965:

  • Episode 1 and 2 - Great Quality!
  • Episodes 3,4,5,6,7,8 - poor quality from a film projector (but available for those who still want to see it)
  • Episode 12 and 34 - okay quality

Disc 1966:

  • 3 disc from film projector - okay quality

Disc 1976 & 1979

  • good quality


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Average Review
  • Currently 3/5 Stars.
5 out of 5
1 Customer Ratings
Best Purchase!!
  • Currently 3/5 Stars.
Rating 5/5
So happy i found this to start off my collection!
Posted by Griffin Lehner Verified Buyer
06/24/2022 - 01:20 PM
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