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Wind At My Back (Series 1-5)


As the toughest of times continues, the Bailey family of New Bedford must come to terms with the "growing pains" that are affecting its members. Grace Bailey, though still living at home, has become a self-sufficient, young woman who is more than capable of juggling romance and career—while blindfolded! She's also more than capable of standing up to her overbearing mother: May Bailey. But, there will soon come a time when the older woman is forced to expose her vulnerable side.
The two boys: Hub and Fat, are growing up quickly and life in New Bedford provides them with challenging, new responsibilities and relationships. Meanwhile their parents: Honey and Max are finding satisfaction in devoting themselves to pursuits outside the home; Honey resumes her business and Max is thrust into public service.
The Dirty Thirties are winding down; the town is on its way back to prosperity, but it is the pre-eminent Baileys who must bridge familial gaps or be forever torn apart.

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